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shnit Worldwide Shortfilmfestival




17 edition shnit Worldwide Shortfilmfestival

18 Oct 2019


shnit 是自2003年在瑞士伯恩創辦的環球短片節,至2013年已擴展至維期12天、全球多個城市共同舉辦的大型短片節。現時shnit 環球短片節的活動地點已覆蓋了全球五個洲,並集結了全球超過30,000位不同國家的電影工作者及愛好者共同參與。上屆的活動中,有約來自136個國家合共7,102 部短片參與影展,並有64部優秀作品獲選入圍本影展的國際賽事。shnit 環球短片節由瑞士註冊的國際性非牟利機構<<shnit FOUNDATION>> (CH- 統籌,並授權予不同地區的「遊樂場」(shnit PLAYGROUND)運作。









shnit環球短片節共分為三個部份:shnit 遊樂場、shnit 院線及shnit FINALE。shnit 遊樂場於全球同時舉行活動,維期5天。shnit 院線則遍佈全球多個地方,維期10天。於2015年,全球共有57 間shnit 院線放映遊樂場以外地區的入圍作品。而shnit FINALE 則於影展最後兩天在紐約舉行放映及頒獎典禮。

本年度全球共有8個shnit遊樂場為區內電影工作者提供聯繫及影片交流的活動,其中包括:伯恩 (瑞士)、聖荷西(美國)、莫斯科(俄羅斯)、開普敦(南非)、開羅(埃及)、布宜諾斯艾利斯(阿根廷)、曼谷(泰國)及香港(中國),而香港(中國)區內的作品則包括了來自日本、韓國、中國、台灣、蒙古、香港、澳門等地的影片。

各遊樂場的觀眾可投票選出國際競賽作品的觀眾大獎,獲獎的影片導演將獲邀出席於影展最後兩天在紐約舉行的shnit FINALE 頒獎典禮。



shnit 的基本元素就是這種文化的交流與展示。電影節的活動場地亦不只限於電影院,更包含了不同的互動、生活化、多元的展示,活動亦包含了與本地藝術工作者之間的互動協作。影展的觀眾亦可參與創作和互動,也可以拍攝活動相關的影片或相片及上載到社交媒體與朋友分享影展的盛況。


日期: 18 Oct 12:00 - 15:00
場地: W305 Screening Theater, Chu Hai College of Higher Education, Hong Kong (80 Castle Peak Road, Castle Peak Bay, Hong Kong)

About shnit

shnit was founded in 2003 in Bern [Switzerland | Europe]. In 2013 the festival was presented for the first time as a twelve-day event, hosted simultaneously in multiple cities around the world. As ambitious as it is unforgettably bold, shnit Worldwide Shortfilmfestival unfolds simultaneously in multiple cities on five continents, bringing together more than 30,000 filmmakers and film lovers in ways rarely experienced elsewhere on the festival circuit. Last year 7,102 short films from 136 countries entered the competition, and 64 films were officially selected into international competition. 

About Organizing Partner of shnit PLAYGROUND HONG KONG

Hong Kong Film Art Association (HKFAA) was established in November 2004 as a registered charity group (IR File No. 91/8774). It is one of Hong Kong’s largest academic organisation with more than 350 member schools. HKFAA aims to promote film arts in the academic community in order to drive the development of film industry from earlier education. We explore and cultivate creativity of the youngsters, and at the same time, enhance their art and cultural literacy for future development. We endeavor to achieve our goals by consistently planning, filming and distributing films in Hong Kong with the participation of enthusiastic youngsters.

Goals & Objectives

We believe that a film’s success is dependent not on its budget or genre, but on its core vision and creativity. Our main goal is to actively increase the perception of short filmmaking by creating a multi-platform event for high quality short films. In addition, we aim to offer opportunities for filmmakers and industry representatives to connect, converse and conduct business beyond geographical borders.

Festival Structure

The festival has 3 main components: shnit PLAYGROUNDS, shnit CINEMAS, and shnit FINALE. Shnit PLAYGROUNDS lasts 5 days and takes place simultaneously in all selected PLAYGROUND cities around the world. shnit CINEMAS takes place in select cinemas and exclusive venues in a growing number of cities and countries all across the globe. In 2015, there are total 57 shnit CINEMAS all over the world, lasts 10 days and gives short film fans a further opportunity to watch a selection of nominated films from the international competition outside of the PLAYGROUNDS host cities. While the shnit FINALE is the 2-day awards ceremony taking place in New York City.

shnit host venues and cities are referred to as PLAYGROUNDS. Fuelled by the strong intention to facilitate the international exchange of great ideas and stories, shnit has hosted PLAYGROUNDS in almost every corner of the world, all of which explode at the same time. In this year, shnit was held in Hong Kong, Bangkok, Bern, Buenos Aires, Cairo, Cape Town, Moscow and San José.


Audiences in each PLAYGROUND vote towards the first of shnit’s THE FLAMING FAUN international audience awards, with the award presented to the collective global audience favorite at shnit FINALE in New York.


As well as bringing its own local flavor to the festival, PLAYGROUNDs present a National Jury and Audience award and in some cases an additional OUT OF COMPETITION local shorts showcase program.


This exchange of culture and expression is a fundamental element of shnit. Festival venues are more than just a cinema venue – they are interactive, living, breathing spaces, with activations, vendors, music and performance, as well as collaborative work from a number of local artists. And of course, the audience is involved in creation too, with interactive installations, and constant filming and photography pictures being uploaded daily to the world on social media platforms. 

2019 Festival Schedule and Screening Venue in PLAYGROUND Hong Kong

DATE: 18 Oct 12:00 - 15:00

VENUE: W305 Screening Theater, Chu Hai College of Higher Education, Hong Kong (80 Castle Peak Road, Castle Peak Bay, Hong Kong)


影展伙伴 Partners


飲品贊助 Drinks Sponsorship

贊助 Sponsorship

支持學術機構 Supporting Academic Institutions

支持機構 Supporting Organizations

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