Judges 2022
![]() 田啟文 Tin Kai-ManProducer, Actor Tin is the Chairman of Federation of Hong Kong Filmmakers (2017-2019). He is also a Hong Kong actor and production manager, most notable for his role in Shaolin Soccer. A well-known friend of Stephen Chow, he began acting in his films with the 1994 Hail the Judge. Tin also worked with Chow on the actor and director's highly successful Kung Fu Hustle. | ![]() 林超榮 Lam Chiu WingScriptwriter, Director Lam was the Chairman of Hong Kong Screenwriters' Guild (2015-2017). He is also a well-known scriptwriter, director and producer in Hong Kong Film Industry. 電影/電視/編劇/導演/監制/專欄作家/節目主持 香港電影編劇家協會會長(2012-2016) | ![]() 曾國賜 CHANG Kwok TseKwok Chi Tsang is an actor and writer, known for Lo foo chut gang (1988), Ching sing (1991) and Shou hu fei long (1990). |
![]() 馬文現 Stephen Ma香港電影研究學會副會長 電影監製、電影視覺效果指導、電影後期製作總監,從事電影行業40年 | ![]() 梁德民 Leung Tak Man編劇、大專講師 香港電影編劇家協會會員 香港電影後期專業人員協會會員 電影評論專欄作者 傳媒人 電台主持 | ![]() 何故 Keith HOScriptwriter 跨媒體 創作人,集作家、編劇、影評人、大學講師、文化研究員、遊戲設計師、演員、電視台及電台節目主持於一身。 曾演出的電影包括:《乾柴烈火》、《哪一天我們會飛》。 |
![]() 李顯華 Sherman Li香港珠海學院傳播及跨媒體課程副主任,曾任職於英國廣播公司、道瓊斯通訊社及多家港、臺傳媒機構。 Deputy Director Communication and Crossmedia Programme Chu Hai College of Higher Education He used to work for the BBC, Dow Jones, and various media companies in Hong Kong and Taiwan. | ![]() 楊慕貞博士 Dr Shirley Yeung香港聯合國教科文組織協會協理副會長,楊慕貞博士持有多項專業資格,包括: 獲提名全球企業可持绩发展專業人士, 2020 最佳工商管理教授, HK Educational Leadership Award, 2019 環境管理及評估研究所﹝IEMA﹞核准可持續﹝企業社會責任﹞執行人員、資深 ISO9000首席審計師、高等教育品質提升計劃﹝AQIP﹞評核員、美國及香港學術及職業資歷評審局科目專家。 | ![]() 廖國華 Colin Liu |
About AFAIFF 電影節簡介
The Asia Film Art International Film Festival (AFAIFF) is an international film festival to showcase innovative film makers and artists from around the world. We accepts all genres of short films and feature films.
AFAIFF is held by Hong Kong Film Art Association (HKFAA) and Macau Film Art Association (MFAA), aims to inspire, motivate and award new talent.
Awards & Prizes 獎項
The Asia Film Art International Film Festival will showcase number of feature films and short films. Each film we designate as an "Official Selection" will receive a high-resolution .png image of our festival laurels to be used for marketing and promotional materials as the filmmaker sees fit.
Out of the official selections, the jury will select one winner in each category and certain number of Special Mention in feature film and short film. The winning filmmakers will receive a high-resolution .png image of our festival laurels with the "Winner" label or "Special Mention" to be used as the filmmaker sees fit.
Best Feature Film
Best Actor (Feature Film)
Best Actress (Feature Film)
Best Short Film
Best Actor (Short Film)
Best Actress (Short Film)
Rules & Terms 規則
Short Film:
This category is reserved for any film whose runtime is 45 minutes or less (including credits).
Feature Film:
This category is reserved for any film whose runtime is 60 minutes or more (including credits).
The Asia Film Art International Film Festival accept all genres of feature films and short films. Films must be submitted via online screener (Vimeo, YouTube, or Withtoutabox Screener). All non-Cantonese language films must be subtitled in English or Chinese. The exhibition version (film) must be submitted in the following file formats: Digital Cinema Package (DCP) in NTFS format with 24 or 25 fps, mov file (Apple ProRes 422 HQ QuickTime) or mp4. An online screener (Vimeo, Youtube) file (MP4, MOV,etc.) is needed. Entry does not guarantee acceptance into the festival. All submission materials WILL NOT be returned. We also accept submissions that have premiered elsewhere and that may have distribution agreements already in place. Multiple entries are allowed, however a separate entry form must be submitted for each.
The filmmaker holds the Asia Film Art International Film Festival, its management, juries, subsidiaries, agents, sponsors, affiliates, and etc. harmless from any and all claims of liability resulting from entry. The filmmaker certifies to have full rights. Producer will indemnify the organizers of the Festival against all claims, demands, costs, damages, expenses (including legal fees), proceedings and losses resulting from the screening of the film at the Festival or from claims by any third parties.
徵片類型 :動作 喜劇 戰爭 科幻 倫理 恐怖 驚悚 暴力 冒險 犯罪 家庭 音樂 愛情 VR/3D 魔幻 奇幻 槍戰 懸疑 青春 勵志 文藝 傳記 西部 劇情 其它 紀錄
徵片題材 :不限
徵片視頻格式 :MPEG4 DCP MOV
1.短片要求 45 分鐘以下,長片要求為 60 分鐘以上的影片。
3. 所有非粵語影片必須有英文或中文字幕(中文字幕優先)。
4. 影片展映版本必須以下列文件格式之一提交:NTFS 格式的數字電影包 (DCP),24 或 25 fps、mov 文件(Apple ProRes 422 HQ QuickTime)、mp4 。
5. 不保證報名參賽作品都能入圍電影節。
6. 所有提交材料將不予退還。
7. 亞洲影藝國際電影節可接受已在其他地方首映且可能已簽訂發行協議的影片報名參賽。
8. 允許多部作品報名參賽,但每部作品必須單獨提交報名。
9. 報名責任:電影人要讓亞洲影藝國際電影節及其管理層、評審團、子公司、代理、贊助商、關聯公司等免於因參賽而引起的任何和所有責任索賠。電影人聲明持有所有權,如影片在電影節展映或任何第三方提出索賠,製片人將賠償電影節組織者因此造成的所有索賠、訴求、成本、損壞、費用(包括法律費用)、訴訟和損失等。
Venue 場地
Hse 3, GH V Walk Cinema
139a Level 2, V Walk Nam Cheong Station,
Hong Kong
BMCPC Asbury Community Cinema (TBC)
5/F, Estate School No. 2, Lai King Estate, Kwai Chung,
New Territories
Hong Kong
Chu Hai College of Higher Education (TBC)
80 Castle Peak Road (Castle Peak Bay)
New Territories
Hong Kong
Caritas St. Joseph Secondary School (TBC)
10 Fung Shue Wo Road
New Territories
Hong Kong
Fun Fun Fun Party Room (TBC)
Flat B, 7/f, hung choeng factory building,
742-748 Cheung Sha Wan Rd, Lai Chi Kok,
Hong Kong
Support Organizations 支持機構